Saturday, August 6, 2011
It is been a few days since I have posted. I have had to resort to my elliptical trainer that I have had forever, to get in the jogging/trotting.  This is solely because the temperatures have been at 108+ outside. Wow!! I am hoping for a reprieve from the heat so that we can get back to it.

It looks like we might make it... We will See!! LOL :o)..

Time will only tell. I go back to work within the next week, so I will have to see how it all plays out when we are all back on a schedule.

Wish us luck.

Until next time :o)

Tuesdays Workout

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I admit I was not in the best of moods yesterday, I was able to push myself to do our workout. I am proud of us!!! The running part lasted 30 seconds longer each time. As we go we will push it more later on. Lol :-)

No workout today, I have to work but we will get back to it tomorrow.

Until next time ....

Today we rode our bikes

Monday, July 25, 2011
A good change of pace for us. The goal is to be fit and be able to jog/trot. Lol.

I used a bike app this time. It calculated us @ 5.1k = 3 miles. It took 30:42 min with an average speed of 9.8 km( I have no idea what that means lol)

Not bad, tomorrow we do our walk/run/trot then we take a break on Wednesday. Do another bike ride Thursday and walk Friday with rest on Saturday. We will deal with next week then. I am not sure we will stick to this weeks schedule. Lol

The goal is to get used to it so when I go back to work I can keep it up minus an additional rest day during the week.

Wish us luck :6)

Until next time!!

Another good run (trot) :o)

Monday, July 25, 2011
We did 1.77 miles in 35 minutes on Sunday (yesterday). This time I was able to go around twice without stopping (yea!!) I know it is not much, but it is a start. We started this on last Sunday, so we will see if I can continue. Today, we will ride bikes. I have to admit (again) that I enjoy doing this with Anthony and the kids. It makes me feel like, we are doing this together because it is important to us. :o)

I got both kids signed up for soccer. Can you imagine a 3 year old playing soccer?? LOL.. Kelsey of course is an old pro, so it is all good for her. It will take some creative scheduling on my part, but what choice do I have. Getting these babies to stay active is important to us.

I got the news that a classmate has passed today. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. I guess the older we get.... wow, is all I can say.

Oh I forgot to mention the most important thing... I lost 2 lbs since last week (YEA!!!!) Lets see if I can keep the momentum going. I find that I will have to FORCE myself to workout. If I keep up the pace, I might be able to make my goal, by the new year. ;-)  Wish me luck!

Until Next Time......


Day 4. I forgot to post

Sunday, July 24, 2011
1.80 miles I'm 30 min. Better but not great. I will take it :o). The running section was longer each time.

We will make the attempt again today. It is a blessing to have Anthony and the kids with me.

I will post on the update for today's run. :o)

Day 3 C25K

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Today was better. Not great but better than the first two days. I will take it. I was able to trot/walk longer than before. Instead if the 60 seconds. I did 120 seconds. Yes!!

I'm going to TRY to keep this up. I am hoping I can do it.

Today was 1.63 miles in 30 minutes. We have a way to go but I will take it :6)

Day 2 C25k

Thursday, July 21, 2011
I admit this is not easy. Today I did 4 minutes of running/ trotting. Of course not all at once but separate. I think that this is the time when most quit. I'm gonna try not to. I have a goal in mind and I want the reward at the end of all of this. I can do this!!

I'm going to check with the local recreation center about joining. Maybe doing this inside might help. Wish me luck :6)

Until next time !!