Still just 1 pound down :-/ .... But I found a good deal at Costco (Nutrisystem)

Friday, March 4, 2011
Still trying to do this and do it right. I have actually been doing well, but I guess as long as I have not gained anything, its better than nothing. Thank God for small victories :o).

Pray for me :o)!

I was at Costco just now, and I see that for $249, you can get a 35 day supply of Nutrisystem. It includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am seriously considering this mostly because the price is awesome. I am not sure if you can choose your own foods, because I had the 2 year old with me, but if so, that would make that an even more awesome deal. Being able to choose the meals, would mean that one could be just that much more convenient. I have seen on QVC, that they have a similar package deal, but you do not get the choice of foods without paying an additional fee. In today's economy, that may or may not work out financially. I get paid soon, so I just have a few days left to decide. By the way, they also have a similar deal for 24 Hour Fitness.

I will get it together, I promise. Its my 39th  birthday month, so this will be interesting

Until, Next Time :o)


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